Sunday, 4 March 2012

My 15th Birthday!

I don't see why I should miss out on my birthday just because my mother waited until 29th February to have me instead of 14th February! This year has been no exception.

The first celebration was on Friday 24th when I had lunch at the local pub with six other girls from the village. Then on Saturday 25th my patchwork and quilting group presented me with a plum tree and a crafting light with a built in magnifying glass - well I am getting on a bit now and the eye sight isn't what it was!

I also retired from work on Tuesday 28th February and one of the girls made me the most fantastic cake.

On my actual birthday my grand-daughters gave me a card each that they had made. They also helped me open all my cards and presents before we went to the park at Bamford where we all had fun and a wonderful picnic, including a birthday muffin with 4 candles.

On Saturday 3rd March thirteen really good friends joined me for a meal in the local pub and we all had a wonderful time.

And the celebrations are not over yet!!!!!!!! Watch this space.